Monday, May 24, 2010

Tilapia Fish Farming

Tilapia fish farming is a profitable aquaculture business.  It can be done through the use of ponds constructed within your farm or through naturally occurring water sources.  In naturally occurring water sources like creeks and lakes, you should construct a fence made of fish nets or bamboo to prevent your tilapia fish from escaping to the surrounding waters.

See video of inland water tilapia fish farm harvest:

Another method of tilapia fish farming is through the construction of tilapia fish tank which can be made of water proofed concrete.  This method of tilapia fish farming requires that you first ensure that tilapia fish tank would have algae (lumot) so that your tilapia fish would have alternative source of food aside from the tilapia fish food that you would be giving them.

In obtaining tilapia fish for your farm, you could either produce tilapia fish fingerlings by having a stock of good breed of male and female tilapia fish.

However, you could also just concentrate on growing tilapia fish fingerlings and just buy your fingerlings from people who specializes in the production of fingerlings thus you are ensured that such fingerlings are of good quality.  It would also result to you focusing on the growing of your tilapia fish without having to worry about tilapia fish fingerlings production.

In order to learn the best techniques in tilapia fish farming, one should attend seminars conducted by experts in the field of tilapia fish farming.  Subscription to aquaculture magazines is also important because it would provide you with the latest news about tilapia fish farming, including new discoveries that would improve tilapia fish farming methods.

Tilapia Fish Farming

Tilapia Fish

Welcome to my tilapia fish blog.  Here you will learn a lot about tilapia fish and tips on how to breed tilapia fish.

Tilapia fish is said to be originally from Africa, however tilapia fish is now thriving in almost all parts of the world, especially in tropical regions like Southeast Asia.

In rural communities, tilapia fish can be a major source of protein.  Tilapia fish is easy to breed or farm since it can thrive in ponds with low water quality.

However, if you would like to make a good income in farming tilapia fish, you should follow good breeding techniques in order for tilapia fish breeding to be commercially viable.

In my next blog post, I will be discussing about the various species of tilapia fish.

Tilapia Fish